Our achievements

FINOVATIS is a strategic consulting firm specializing in innovation and R&D financing at the national and international levels.

Are you a player in the public or private sector conducting research and innovation activities?

We offer you complementary skills (managerial, financial, tax, technical, and scientific) to support you sustainably and meet your expectations. FINOVATIS relies on a team of experienced consultants with recognized expertise to cover all necessary components of the value chain of your R&D activities and contribute to the maintenance and development of your competitive advantages.

Success story client #1

Secure and Sustainable Activation of Synergistic Financing Levers

Client Context:

A technology company faced challenges in justifying the eligibility of its R&D projects for the Research Tax Credit (CIR) in complex procedures. The CIR for 2011 was validated only at 38% of the declared amount following an expertise by the Regional Delegation for Research and Technology (DRRT) confirmed by the Administrative Tribunal. The CIR for 2012 and 2014 were undergoing a tax inspection, and the company couldn’t provide compliant supporting documents.

Expertise Implemented by FINOVATIS:

FINOVATIS, in collaboration with the company’s R&D Director, structured and drafted the supporting documents for CIR 2011 to 2014. These documents were submitted to the expertise of DRRT, which recognized the eligibility of all declared projects. This success marked the beginning of a lasting partnership, with FINOVATIS entrusted with the optimization and securing of all CIR declarations since 2015. The partnership also extended to support in securing BPI subsidies under the “France Relance” and “France 2030” plans.


The ongoing partnership has seen significant successes:

Validation of a cumulative CIR amount > €1.5 million (99% of declared CIR) for 2011-2014.

Optimization of subsequent CIRs, stabilizing around €800,000 from 2018.

Validation of a cumulative CIR amount > €2 million in the fiscal control for 2016-2018 (100% of declared amounts).

Winner of the “France Relance” plan: subsidy > €3 million.

Winner of the “France 2030” plan: subsidy > €5 million.

Success story client #2

Securing Research Tax Credit

Client Context:

A service company, specializing in enterprise digital transformation with over 3,000 employees and an annual revenue > €400 million, sought help in structuring its R&D and internal processes for the Research Tax Credit (CIR).

Expertise Implemented by FINOVATIS:

FINOVATIS formed a team of 12 consultants, provided CIR training, established a centralized project management tool, and implemented rigorous reporting and monitoring processes. The R&D was mapped to align with the client’s strategic axes. Regular calculation of CIR amounts and technical argumentation were done, leading to the consolidation of the supporting documentation for CIR 2022.


After auditing over 200 projects, the client secured and increased its declared CIR amount (+25%), consistent with its growth in personnel and R&D activity. The timely delivery of a quality technical dossier was praised by the technical experts validating the CIR.

Success story client #3

Over €500,000 Reduction in Corporate Tax through IP Box Regime

Client Context:

A biotechnology company exploiting patents and seeking to benefit from the IP Box regime hired FINOVATIS in March 2023. The client lacked internal expertise to define eligible intellectual property assets and calculate taxable income under the IP Box regime.

Expertise Implemented by FINOVATIS:

FINOVATIS, collaborating with the company’s Administrative and Financial Manager, identified and defined eligible IP assets, calculated net income, NEXUS ratio, taxable income, and corporate tax under the IP Box regime. The complete documentation for the IP Box regime was prepared within a tight deadline, allowing the company to benefit from the regime.


FINOVATIS’ intervention directly reduced the company’s corporate tax by over €500,000 and laid a foundation for justifying future IP box declarations.

Collaborative Projects Achievements

National Grants – Hospital-University Network:


CASSIOPEIA is a French collaborative project in Hospital-University Research (RHU) involving three partners from academic (Institut Curie) and pharmaceutical (Roche, Roche Institute) realms. With funding of €10 million from ANR, this project aims to address critical unmet needs in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of triple-negative breast cancer. This type of breast cancer affects nearly 10,000 patients each year in France, with three-quarters not responding to treatment. CASSIOPEIA seeks a genuine paradigm shift in the management and treatment of high-risk patients, providing a solid foundation for the development of future treatments benefiting all patients with triple-negative breast cancer and potentially other cancers.

Launch date: 01/09/2022 Budget: €9 960 000 / Duration : 60 moths / Partners: 4 / Participating countries: 1

FINOVATIS Role:  Management, Communication/Dissertation

RHU CASSIOPEIA | Institut Curie


As one of the winning projects in the 4th call for University-Hospital Research (RHU) projects in health, the IRIS project is dedicated to the development of gene therapies for severe hereditary immune deficiencies. More specifically, the IRIS project seeks to establish gene therapy as the reference treatment for replacing partially human leukocyte antigen matched hematopoietic stem cell transplantation as the treatment for very severe primary immunodeficiencies: type 3 familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL-3), and immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked (IPEX) syndrome. This project has received funding from the French National Research Agency (ANR) Investments for the Future programme (PIA) under grant agreement No. ANR-18-RHUS-0003. Over a 5-year period, the IRIS project will mobilise an international public-private consortium of recognised experts. Coordinated by Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) and led by Prof. Marina Cavazzana at the Imagine Institute for Genetic Diseases, the project has also been approved by the Medicen Paris Region competitiveness cluster in the Paris region.

Starting Date: 10/2019 / Budget: 9 900 k€ / Duration: 60 months / Number of Partners: 5 / Number of participating countries: 1

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management, board gouvernance management.


Liver transplantation (LT) is a life-saving procedure for various liver diseases. Its efficacy is hampered by the risk of death/drop-out on the Wait List mostly due to organ shortage. LEOPARD is a collaborative EU research project (Horizon Europe) of 13 partners and 4 associated partners aiming at developing new predictive models to refine offering schemes for liver transplant. Through an unprecedented collaborative effort of major European Liver Transplant stakeholders including Organ sharing Associations, clinicians, Statisticians, Research Labs, patient organizations and SME, LEOPARD will generate and validate new computational tools improving liver transplant candidates’ outcomes, decreasing avoidable mortality for patients awaiting for transplantation and reducing disparities of access to Liver Transplant at a European level.

Starting Date: 01/11/2023 Budget: 6 530 k€ / Duration: 60 months / Number of Partners: 13 / Number of participating countries: 8

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management, Communication/Dissemination activities and Intellectual Property Management

Liver Electronic Offering Platform with Artificial intelligence-based Devices | LEOPARD | Project | Fact sheet | HORIZON | CORDIS | European Commission (europa.eu)


GENIAL is a collaborative EU research project (Horizon Europe) aiming at identifying the genetic and environmental factors promoting ALD-HCC (Alcohol-related hepatocellular carcinoma). Thanks to the combination of clinical, genomics and digital imaging data, the consortium aims at establishing a novel predictive approach facilitating the detection at early stage, the identification of population ‘at risk’ and a better stratification of patients.

Starting Date: 01/01/2023 Budget: 11 996,7 k€ / Duration: 60 months / Number of Partners: 13 / Number of participating countries: 6

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management, Communication/Dissemination activities and Intellectual Property Management



CHANGE is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions funded Horizon Europe training network, uniting 10 European universities and 5 small to medium enterprises (SMEs) with the aim to uncover molecular mechanisms in connective tissue ageing and disease. The CHANGE Consortium hopes to make breakthroughs in the understanding treatment of the age-related diseases of connective tissues, which affect millions of people across Europe. 12 Doctoral Candidates are involved in the CHANGE network, investigating various aspects of cellular homeostasis and ageing, through novel multidisciplinary approaches.

Starting Date: 01/09/2022 / Budget: 2 692 k€ / Duration: 48 months / Number of Partners: 15 / Number of participating countries: 6

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management, Training



MCDS is a scientist-led international collaboration of 10 organisations aiming at delivering a worldwide, multicentre, phase 2a/2b clinical trial to repurpose carbamazepine for MCDS. The objective is to alleviate the pain and bone malformations that patients with the rare genetic skeletal condition MCDS live with on a daily basis.

Budget: 5 697 k€ / Duration: 5 years / Number of Partners: 10 / Number of participating countries: 6

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management, Communication/Dissemination activities and Intellectual Property Management


Others achievements

CANPATHPRO takes a unique approach, combining classic cancer research with omics data and computational modelling to develop and validate a new biotechnological application: a platform for generating and testing hypotheses in cancer biomedical research.

Budget: 9 862 k€ / Duration: 5 years / Number of Partners: 9 / Number of participating countries: 7

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management, Communication/Dissemination activities and Knowledge Management


This project is focused on the clinical development of a new orphan drug that can rapidly become a new treatment option for patients with the X-linked form of chronic granulomatous disease (X-CGD)…

Budget: 6 303 k€ / Duration: 6 years< / Number of Partners: 11 / Number of participating countries : 4

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management, communication/Dissemination activities


SYBIL aims to identify genetic determinants of common and rare skeletal diseases to better understand disease processes and age-related changes and ultimately deliver new therapeutic targets.

Budget: 16 252 k€ / Duration: 5 years / Number of Partners: 18 / Number of participating countries : 7

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management and Communication/Dissemination activities

Building on emerging preclinical and pilot clinical evidences, RESSTORE will focus on the clinical assessment of regenerative cell therapy to improve stroke recovery and patients quality of life.

Budget: 6 400 k€ / Duration: 5 years / Number of Partners: 20 / Number of participating countries: 5

FINOVATIS roles: Project Communication / Dissemination activities / Valorization activities / Intellectual Property management

INNOVCare gives a voice to the social and everyday needs of people living with a rare disease and addresses the need for coordination between service providers in European Union Member States.

Budget: 1 994 k€ / Duration: 3 years / Number of Partners: 8 / Number of participating countries: 6

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management


RD-Connect is a global platform that facilitates research on rare diseases by connecting databases, patient registries, biobanks and clinical bioinformatics data into a central resource for researchers worldwide.

Budget: 17 564 k€ / Duration: 5 years / Number of Partners: 30 / Number of participating countries : 15

The ZAPI program is focused a method for rapidly delivering targeted vaccines for animals and therapeutic antibodies for hospital use within just a few months of a future disease outbreak

Budget: 22 380 k€ / Duration: 5 years / Number of Partners: 20 / Number of participating countries: 5

FINOVATIS roles: Project Management, Communication / Dissemination activities


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